Tamil Nadu Political Crisis: A Short Recap

     A solo king on the chess board has only one way to escape and that is mercy from the opponent pieces. Tamil Nadu people are in such a helpless state as a bunch of so called 'leaders' tormented the 7.7 crore population in their bits to bite the state's Chief Minister post.

  Though the problem is solved 'Constitutionally', the problem is still alive 'Democratically'. In the game to choose the best among the group of worsts, there are only losers. Unfortunately the number of losers in this game is a whooping 7.7 crore! . Being happy with the elimination of the nastiest garbage among the choices, these 7.7 crore have to accommodate a different person, who has a different appearance, but the odour of the eliminated garbage.

  The politics in the South Indian State have changed dramatically over the last 5 decades. There are very few in the state to oppose the statement that 'The state has not seen a good leader since late Mr. K. Kamaraj.' There have been more than 7 different people occupying the seat after him, but none could match his achievements. The reason of this 'dramatic change' over the years was planted when the 'Dramatic people' entered public life. 

  The need to be a good service man to become a CM changed into a need be a better politician to occupy the post. Those were times when people did more services to public than their competitors to win the public support. But with introduction of people like Mr. Annadurai, the ploy to win elections slowly moved away from the conventional ones. Being great speakers and writers, these people appeared better to the public than those who were 'just silent servers'.

  The concept of service was not lost suddenly. Anna began the verbal tactics to win the right to serve. .With the entry of more Cine field personalities into the politics, the post of CM became the property of a 'better politician' than a 'better leader'. Then came Mr. Karunanidhi, who in addition to occupying the seat multiple times, established his family members into the core of politics. Mr. M G. Ramachandran came next establishing an alternative party in the state. He too sailed in the stream of politician, instead of trying an upstream swim as a leader.

  MGR's demise in 1987 is considered to be the biggest turning point in the state's politics. After a battle between two women to occupy the CM's seat, Ms . Jayalalitha won eventually, after losing at the beginning. Since then it was choosing the party, whose mistakes were older. Thus, it was Ms. Jayalalitha and Mr. Karunanidhi in alternate periods until 2016 when the former won. In just 6 months since being re-elected Ms. Jayalalitha passed away, paving way for what would be the ugliest political turmoil in the state's history. What happened next is ugly and all are nearly fed up reading those again.

   At this point its mandatory to think where we lost our right to decide our ruler. Saying no one is good is the most foolish statement to hear. The cause of all ugly scenes we watched over the past few weeks is not the people in the State's capital, it's we the public. We go for fantasy more than the reality. We want our favorite heroes to enter politics, but no one wants our politicians to become a hero in reality. We always protest when things are not going according to our expectations, but we seldom demand the politicians what we expect. We need to choose a good leader, not a good politician. The good leader we are looking for is not on the radar now. He/ She is hidden in a corner of the state fed up with the country just like you and me.

It will take time for our fate to change, but if it is to change, we need to keep this fire burning for longer time.


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