Does Casting Your Vote Means Voting Your Caste

Caste once again proved to be the major factor in determining the results of the elections in the five Indian states. The major part of the electoral arithmetic deals with the 'caste arithmetic' . This is slowly poisoning the democracy and there is a big need to address the nescience of caste arithmetic among the Indians. . Caste - Not a Haste: Many electoral experts say that the caste politics is essential to lift the power of democracy. To an extent it has been the reason for the Indian democracy travelling so long. The book 'Modernity and Tradition ' says the caste politics have bought equity among the members of different castes by reducing their distinctions. Considering the history of our country, this statement has its own merits. The upper caste domination in political powers, that was seen during the time after independence, has slowly declined, thanks to the evolution of numerous regional parties across the country....